Disclaimer & important details about this chart (please read before using):
- This is the official published chart from AutoPilot for “typical” cell amps & volts. This chart can be helpful when troubleshooting “low amps – cell” and “check/clean cell” error messages on your AutoPilot Pool Pilot unit.
- We provide this as a published resource to AutoPilot Pool Pilot salt chlorine generator system owners.
- This chart is most useful for basic first step troubleshooting and diagnostics of AutoPilot Pool Pilot Digital (DIG-220), AutoPilot Pool Pilot Digital “Total Control” (75003) and AutoPilot Pool Pilot Soft Touch (ST-220) units. It is highly recommended that you use our web form to reach one of our technicians for further assistance before making any purchasing decisions based on this chart.
- NOT all aspects or scenarios of this chart are useful for AutoPilot Pool Pilot Digital Nano / Nano Plus units. In many aspects these models are designed differently than the above-mentioned models and as such the voltage and amp readings of these models will vary from this guide. The AutoPilot Pool Pilot Digital Nano / Nano Plus units do not have a manufacturer published chart specific to these units as of the publishing of this web page. For assistance troubleshooting, AutoPilot Pool Pilot Digital Nano / Nano Plus units please use our web form to reach one of our technicians for further assistance.
- We offer a full product line of Autopilot Pool Pilot replacement parts & cells.
Several factors will change the ideal voltage and amp readings. This chart is simply a preliminary guide. The chart is based 3000 ppm of salt and 75°F water temperature. Warmer water and higher salt will decrease voltage. Colder water, lower salt, scaled or depleted cell will increase voltage.